Kerabu campur

Kerabu Campur (mix salad)

1 medium green apple slice thinly
1 medium carrot slice thinly
1/2 medium cucumber slice thinly
1/2 medium red pepper slice thinly
1 cup bean sprouts
5 birds eye chilli  cut into smallest

for dressing
5 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 cloves garlic chopped

Mix all ingredients into big bowl, add dressing ingredients and mix well. Cover the salad with a plastic wrap and allow to cool in the refrigerator for about 1-2 hours before serving.

1 bj buah apel hijau ukuran sedang dipotong tipis-tipis
1 bj wortel ukuran sedang dipotong tipis-tipis
1/2 bj timun dibuang bijinya dan dipotong tipis-tipis
1/2 bj paprika merah dipotong tipis-tipis
1 gelas tauge
5bj cabai rawit dipotong kecil-kecil

bahan dressing
5 sdm jus lemon
1 1/2 sdm gula pasir
1/4 sdt merica hitam bubuk yang masih segar (baru digiling)
1/4 sdt garam
2 siung bawang putih dicincang halus

Dalam mangkok besar, campur semua bahan dan bahan dressing. Kemudiam aduk rata. Dinginkan dikulkas selama kurang lebih 1-2 jam sebelum dihidangkan.


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